Less is More - A Discussion on Stabilizer Weight

In the last few years especially, there seems to be a trend towards using excessive amounts of stabilizer weight, particularly among compound archers. This makes sense, sort of. If you add weight to your bow then this will surely make the bow hold steadier. This is true, but only if you can handle the weight.
Let’s talk about compound bows. When setting up a compound, it’s important to balance the weight between the front rod and side rod so that the weight ratio is comfortable and provides the best platform for the best possible aiming. But once this ratio has been chosen, how can you tell if your bow is actually the right weight for you? When experimenting with my compound, I found that removing 2oz from my front rod and 4oz from my side rod increased my ability to hold steady straight away. My dot settled faster in the target and I was able to hold for longer with less perceived movement.
One of the debates contrary to this, is when shooting in the wind a heavier bow will hold better. This may be true, but when using a lighter bow, if you are blown off the target or aiming point, it will be much easier to bring your sight back to the middle than if your bow was heavier. I’ve tried this with a number of archers as well as myself, and each time they have reduced their rod weight and reported better aiming, higher scores and the ability to practice for longer without fatigue. Most weight systems, such as the Infitec Crux weights or Doinker 421s, are really easy to adjust in 1oz increments.
So why not try removing ¼, 1/3 or even half of your rod weight and see how it holds? It’s cheaper, it’s easier and it makes you shoot better. Sounds pretty good to me!
Comments (1)
Yes !
2 June 2019Have to agree with this 100% ! The trend by some enthusiastic compounders to load up their stabilisers with huge weight can be a real negative. I have been involved with archery for many years, so have seen it all come & go. There are some great scores shot with quite minimal weight fore & aft. It costs nothing to experiment with reduced weight for an entire shoot & evaluate.